
How to create clickable 3D contents on Web.

How make an object to move.

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  1. Check -> Completed product
  2. Upload GLB files
  3. Import uploaded file to Script Editor
  4. Play preview
  5. Set fog
  6. How to move scene camera and objects
  7. Trigger, Action and Case on the Script board
  8. Use the Position Action
  9. Use the Initial Trigger

How to export animated glb data.

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  1. Check -> Completed product
  2. Animated objects on Blender
  3. Dope Sheet -> Action Editor on Blender
  4. NLA (Non Linear Animation)
  5. Texture images
  6. Re-upload GLB files to Performing Editor
  7. Import uploaded file to Script Editor again

How make objects to be clickable.

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  1. Check -> Completed product
  2. Skin Anime Action
  3. Anime Mixer
  4. Use Click Trigger
  5. Set Click Trigger
  6. Use Time Action
  7. Embed Code

How to make Amazing load speed 3D models for Website.

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  1. Use Async Action
  2. Use Terminal Trigger

How to make VR on Website.

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  1. WalkIn Type 3D
  2. Head Mount Goggle
  3. Orbit Controle | Only WalkIn
  4. Wall Collisions
  5. Paformer Collision | Event -> Wall
  6. Re-import models
  7. Performer Trigger
  8. Make VR for Smartphone

How to make AR on Website and Embedding

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  1. Set Marker
  2. Set AR in Configuration window
  3. Performer Collision - Blue
  4. Embed 3D on your website
  5. AR | VR links
  6. Edit 'Get parameter' for your website
  7. Performer Trigger
  8. Convenient Classes with API