Script Editor


Conditional Action Row

Variables comparison operation is performed and the execution case is handled according to the result.
This is a relatively advanced function that handles variables.

Supported Supported Supported
ID Variable From0To Comparison Constant True False
ID number.
Press the ID number to display the delete dialog.
Select the target variable.
When Formula Action is set, you can select the Formula (formula) that has been set by the action in the item [Formula-#].
  • ==
    The equality operator returns true if the two operands are equal.
  • !=
    The inequality operator returns true if the operands are not equal.
  • >
    The greater-than operator returns true if the left operand is greater than the right operand.
  • >=
    Greater than equals operator returns true if the left operand is greater than or equal to the right operand
  • <
    The less-than operator returns true if the left operand is less than the right operand.
  • <=
    The less-than operator returns true if the left operand is less than the right operand.
Constant Value Enter the constant for the right operand. (Enter integer value) Select the execution case when the result is true. Select the execution case when the result is false.

Formula Action Row

Set Formula. The formula is not a wide variety of formulas like spreadsheet software, but basic ones such as dates, random numbers, and average values.
Also, this action cannot be called on Case. Call from Conditional Action (comparison operation).
This is a relatively advanced function that handles variables.

Supported Supported Supported
ID Formula A B Variables
ID number.
Press the ID number to display the delete dialog.
  • random
    Generate a random number. Select the lower limit of the random number range with [A] and the upper limit with [B] in the next section.
  • today
    Gets the time information of the day when the XR content was executed. Select the time type in [A] and the year, month, and day in [B] in the next section.
  • sum
    Find the sum of the variables. Select multiple target variables in [Variables] in the last section.
  • average
    Find the average value of a variable. Select multiple target variables in [Variables] in the last section.
  • minimum
    Find the minimum value of a variable. Select multiple target variables in [Variables] in the last section.
  • maximum
    Find the maximum value of a variable. Select multiple target variables in [Variables] in the last section.
  • product
    Find the product of the variables. Select multiple target variables in [Variables] in the last section.
The selection items vary depending on [Formula] in the previous section. Specify a lower bound for random numbers.
If today was selected, select the time type.
  • real time
    The actual time when the XR content was executed.
  • XR time
    XR time. The elapsed time from the start of the XR content. The output is only in seconds.
If [today] is selected, set the date and time output category. A window for selecting multiple variables is displayed.

Time Action Row

A timer is activated from the time of execution by Case, and Case is executed when the specified number of seconds has elapsed.
Understand that both Action and Trigger behave semantically.

Supported Supported Supported
ID Type Time(sec) Case
ID number.
Press the ID number to display the delete dialog.
  • timeout
    Executes the Case when the number of seconds set in [Time] in the next column has elapsed.
  • interval
    It is the same as timeout in that Case is executed when the number of seconds set in [Time] in the next column has elapsed, Iterate the process.
Enter the specified time in seconds. Select the target case.

Skin Anime Action Row

Skeletal animation or Skinned Mesh Animation In Japan, we often handle animation called skin animation. To use this action, you need to create a skin animation with a 3D tool.
Use Anime Mixer to blend and execute multiple skin animations. For this reason, there is no concept of ending one animation, and everything is treated as a loop animation.
If you want to end the animation, use with Time Action or other Actions.
If you want to play a single skin animation only once, you can create it with Performing Editor and control it with Object Anime Action.

Supported Supported Supported
ID Actor Skinned Anime Mixer
ID number.
Press the ID number to display the delete dialog.
Select the target Performing model. Select the Skinned Mesh included in the model selected in the previous column [Actor]. Start Anime Mixer.

Anime Mixer

Skin Animation Skinned Mesh can be mixed (Mixing) with each other.
For example, when you run a walking animation, you will also perform an animation that raises your arms.
In this example, the action of swinging the arm in the walking animation is being executed, so the arm is raised while raising the hand. While you're raising your hands, you'll use the Mixer to edit animation weights, such as weakening your gait.

Action W-Speed Weight
The action name of Skinned Mesh. Skin Animation Action Specifies the speed at which an arbitrary weight is reached after starting.
NOTE: If the next Skin anime Action occurs before the weight is reached, it may not behave as expected. It is often overlooked, but it is important to adjust the W-Speed ​​value appropriately.
Specifies the animation weight as a percentage.

Object Animation Action Row

Handle Object Animation that consists of rotation and movement for each object.
You must have created an object animation in XR Studio Performing Editor.

Supported Supported Supported
ID Actor Motion Loop
ID number.
Press the ID number to display the delete dialog.
Select the target Performing Model. Select the motion included in the Performing Model selected in the previous column [Actor].
  • on
    Loop playback.
  • off
    Does not loop playback.

    Note: For animations used with KeyPad Trigger, it is convenient to set Loop to Off here because you can handle loops with Type: normal | onlyOn.

Position Action Row

Handles the movement of Performing Model and Walker.
Position Helper must be installed.

ID Actor Helper Speed Deg
ID number.
Press the ID number to display the delete dialog.
Select the target Performing Model. Select Position Helper installed at the position you want to move.
If Walker is selected, it will move instantly.
Enter the movement amount in 1fps units. (In meters) Enter the rotation direction. (Degree angle)
An absolute angle to the Scene.

Media Action Row

Handles video/audio playback.
The video/audio file must be imported.
Note: The VR Viewer of Web-XR Studio plays the last loaded one.
Other viewers can handle multiple video/audio files.

Web3D VR AR Markerless AR
Supported Supported Supported Supported
ID Media Loop
ID number.
Press the ID number to display the delete dialog.
Select the target video/audio file.
  • on
    Loop playback.
  • off
    Does not loop playback.

Text Action Row

Handle text output.
Set assignment expression in the text and output the OK/Cancel dialog.

Supported Supported Supported
ID Time Text Dialog
ID number.
Press the ID number to display the delete dialog.
Enter the displayed time limit in seconds.
Entering 0 turns off the time limit.
Enter the display text.
  • OK
    Displays an OK-only dialog.
  • OK&Cancel
    Displays the OK and Cancel dialogs.

Text Action: Assignment expression

You can insert the value of a variable as an assignment expression in the text.

type Format Note
User-created variable {variable name} Outputs the Value of the variable created by the user.
XR time (seconds) {$xrTime} XR time is the elapsed time since the content started. It is output in seconds.
year display {$today(year)} Outputs the year of the day running XR content.
Display month {$today(month)} Outputs the month of the day when XR content is executed.
Display day {$today(day)} Outputs the day of the day when the XR content is executed.
Display time {$today(hour)} Outputs the time of the day when the XR content is executed.
Display minutes {$today(minute)} Outputs the minutes of the day when the XR contents are executed.
second display {$today(second)} Outputs the second of the day running XR content.

Transform Action Row

Handle the Transform for the object.
Transform is for rotation, translation, and scale.

Supported Supported Supported
ID Target Type Time Rot-X Rot-Y Rot-Z Scale-X Scale-Y Scale-Z Pos-X Pos-Y Pos-Z
ID number.
Press the ID number to display the delete dialog.
Select the target Performing Model.
  • animate
    Deformation continues for the time set in the next column [Time].
  • onset
    Set the transformation once.
When [animate] is selected in the previous column [Type], deformation continues for the time (seconds) set here. Enter the X-axis rotation amount.

For Type: Animate
The amount of X-axis rotation in 1fps units. (Radian value)

For Type: onSet
The amount of X-axis rotation. (Degree value)
If 0, it is ignored.
Enter the Y-axis rotation amount.

For Type: Animate
The amount of Y-axis rotation in 1fps units. (Radian value)

For Type: onSet
The amount of Y-axis rotation. (Degree value)
If 0, it is ignored.
Enter the Z-axis rotation amount.

For Type: Animate
The amount of Z-axis rotation in 1fps units. (Radian value)

For Type: onSet
The amount of Z-axis rotation. (Degree value)
If 0, it is ignored.
Enter the X-axis scale amount in 1fps units. (In meters)
If 0, it is ignored.
Enter the amount of Y-axis scale in 1fps units. (In meters)
If 0, it is ignored.
Enter the amount of Z-axis scale in 1fps units. (In meters)
If 0, it is ignored.
Enter the X-axis movement amount in 1fps units. (In meters)
If 0, it is ignored.
Enter the Y-axis movement amount in 1fps units. (In meters)
If 0, it is ignored.
Enter the Z-axis movement amount in 1fps units. (In meters)
If 0, it is ignored.

Visible Action Row

Handles the visibility of objects.
It is not visible and the existence of the object does not disappear.
Keep in mind that the process at runtime will be prioritized because the hidden group process is performed after the displayed group process.

Supported Supported Supported
ID OnGroup OffGroup
ID number.
Press the ID number to display the delete dialog.
Set the display group.
When you press it, a dedicated window will appear.
The name of the imported 2D/3D object is displayed with a check box in the dedicated window.
The checked object group is set as the display process target group.
Set the hidden group.
When you press it, a dedicated window will appear.
The name of the imported 2D/3D object is displayed with a check box in the dedicated window.
The checked object group is set as a hidden process target group.

Async Action Row

Handles Async Loading of objects.

Supported Supported Supported
ID Upload Objects
ID number.
Press the ID number to display the delete dialog.
Select the object for Async Loading.
Both Staging Model / Performing Model are targeted.

2D Object Action Row

This Action is unlike any other and cannot be called from a Case.
Please note that you call from Steering Trigger or Camera Action and display with Visible Action.

Display the image as HTML. Since it is HTML, it can be decorated with CSS.
Since it is not a 3D object, it will not be displayed in stereo in VR Viewer.
It is mainly intended for use with Viewers other than VR.
In the case of VR Viewer, it is supposed to be used in a title scene before VR (stereo display).

Supported Not supported Supported
ID Image Text CSS :hover Link A_tag Set
ID number.
Press the ID number to display the delete dialog.
Select the image file that has been uploaded to XR Studio.
Images do not need to be imported from outside the Script Board like 3D objects.
You can use it only by selecting it here.
Enter the text to display. Enter the CSS for decoration. Enter the CSS for hover. Enter the URL of the link destination.
When used as a Steering Trigger button, the link will be invalid.
Select the target attribute of A tag. Start Editor to edit placement coordinates.

Camera Action

This action specifies the current camera (Current Active Camera). Settings such as the angle of view and the look (Look At) of the specified camera.
Also, here, we will decide the camera type of the content itself.

Somewhat voluminous content. Read details.

Web3D VR AR Markerless AR
Supported Not supported Not supported Not supported