
Nefertiti transparent

by Akey
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Nefertiti (Hieroglyph: --Nefertiti, NeFeRTiTi, King La in the 18th century BC eN-aToN, Iknerton, formerly known as Amenhotep IV), is the mother-in-law of Pharaoh Tuto Ankh Amen (Tutankhamen) (Nefertiti's daughter Ankhesenamun is married to Tutankhamen).
The meaning of her name is "Beautiful person (NeFeR-T-) visited (iTi)". Nefertiti is also renowned for his beautiful, unfinished busts with extant mysteries and is considered one of the beauties of ancient Egypt.
Portraits are used on Egyptian 5-piastre (Egyptian pound sub-currency) banknotes.
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Time: 05/18 21:01
Daily Access Count: 2