

by Akey
If the speed bandwidth is low, please try it in a better network
ネフェルティティ(ヒエログリフ: <-𓏏:𓈖:𓇳-𓇋𓄤𓄤𓄤𓄤𓇍-𓏏:𓏭-𓀭-> - Nefertiti、NeFeRTiTi、紀元前14世紀中葉)は、エジプト新王国時代の第18王朝のファラオであったアクエンアテン(aKH-eN-aToN, イクナートン、旧名アメンホテプ4世)の正妃であり、ファラオ・トゥト・アンク・アメン(TuT-aNKH-aMeN, ツタンカーメン)の義母(ネフェルティティの娘のアンケセナーメンがツタンカーメンと婚姻)にあたる。
Embed this 3D into your website
        <!-- API in head tag -->
        <script src=""></script>
        <!-- Put this embed tag into anywhere in a body tag -->
        <div class="xr-studio" data-id="1063" data-option=""></div>
        <!-- Put this AR link into anywhere in a body tag -->
        <a class="xrs_ar" href="">Play AR</a>
        <!-- Place a MarkerlessAR Viewer link anywhere in the body tag.
The display attribute of the xrs_arcore class is
changed to determine the handset compatibility. --> <a class="xrs_arcore" href="">Play MarkerlessAR</a> </body> </html>
API for more details, please click here.
Try AR with your SmartPhone
Play AR Play Markerless AR
AR (augmented reality) experience
When a specific shape called a marker is projected on a smartphone, augmented reality is projected on it. Let's look at the marker displayed in [Get AR Marker] below on a smartphone or PC with a camera.
for more details, please click here
Daily Access Count
Time: 02/18 20:26
Daily Access Count: 3